Thursday, October 31, 2019

Thoreaus Masculinity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Thoreaus Masculinity - Essay Example He also served as an abolitionist against slavery for his entire life by lecturing across the country against the Fugitive Slave Law. Every man's search for wisdom can be connected to Thoreau's simple search for truth, in which he praises these three main characteristics as the most admirable qualities of the American man. Thoreau's theoretical energy was inspired by the wild. He found it necessary to live free in the wilderness provided by Walden Pond for two years and two months , in order to find the clarity he needed to search for truth. He followed the notion set by Plato, that wisdom is attained through the continuous pursuit of truth. This was a concept originated by Plato's mentor Socrates through his ideals of continuous self analysis. All, of which, is presumed will lead one to the most meaningful life. In his piece, Natural History of Massachusetts he says, You cannot go into any field or wood, but it will seem as if every stone had been turned, and the bark on every tree ripped up. But, after all, it is much easier to discover than to see when the cover is off. It has been well said that "the attitude of inspection is prone." Wisdom does not inspect, but behold Thoreau, pp. 130-131). Here as Thoreau teaches patience through the appreciation of nature. He also argues in favor of self preser vation in that he promotes the preservation of nature and believes man to be as equally a part of nature as any other animal in the wild. Virtue is also a core ideal that Thoreau aspires for in his writing and in turn convinces the reader to aspire for as well. He would often contrast virtue with popular ideals at the time which he felt were unbefitting to the ideal American male, but he also often spoke directly on the concept of morality and virtuous behavior. In his 1849 piece, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers he says, Absolutely speaking, Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you is by no means a golden rule, but the best of current silver. An honest man would have but little occasion for it. It is golden not to have any rule at all in such a case (Thoreau, p.74). In his chapter on economy, Thoreau contrasts the popular view of inherited wealth. Where most people would consider inheriting great wealth as a blessing, Thoreau's take is the opposite. He believes it impedes a man's freedom to live his own life, by inheriting a subservience to, what he calls, necessity. In his piece On the Duty of Civil Disobedience, which he wrote in 1849, he communicates this concept to the reader in his text when he says, The rich man ... is always sold to the institution which makes him rich. Absolutely speaking, the more money, the less virtue. Here Thoreau contrasts the concept of wealth with that of virtue. He makes the direct statement that one born into wealth is not free but sold into never being able to be virtuous. It's very ironic that he is able to flip one of the most desired and admired origins in American Capitalist society on its head. The American Dream in essence is the pursuit of wealth/ha ppiness; by Thoreau denouncing the pursuit of money he is indirectly redefining, or disregarding, the American Dream. One might assume that this disdain for the American Dream and its detrimental affect on manhood was a reoccurring theme that developed over time in Thoreau's writing, because in his 1854 work

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Organizational Behavior and its Impact on Corporate America Research Paper

Organizational Behavior and its Impact on Corporate America - Research Paper Example By adding more emphasis on interpersonal communication and communication clarity, The Home Depot serves as a benchmark for other industries in similar markets. Organizational Behavior and its Impact on Corporate America Introduction When assessing an organizational environment worthy of being declared a leader in positive organizational behavior, no example is more relevant than The Home Depot. The Home Depot ranked #29 in the Fortune 100 list of best companies due to its commitment to customer service excellence, employee participation schemes, and a variety of reward programs that foster collaboration, motivation, and commitment from its many employees and managers. In 2010, The Home Depot earned $6.6 billion in revenues (CNN Money, 2011), due to its reputation as a service leader and the ability to foster harmonious work teams dedicated to meeting the mission and vision of the organization.     These factors include the establishment of multiple reward schemes, improving inter personal communications and clarity between many different ranks of authority, setting corporate social responsibility efforts, and providing ample feedback systems to give recognition to employees who succeed and meet corporate goals. Important Elements of Organizational Behavior In order to gain employee and management commitment, it is first necessary to establish team membership, something especially true at The Home Depot whose cornerstone is employee involvement and participation. â€Å"For a team to develop, its members must want to belong to the team and come to identify with the team† (Bushe & Coetzer, 2007, p.185). When new employees enter the organization, they come into employment with their own personal need, goals, and ambitions, thus effective leadership must work diligently to bring employees and managers into the team fold by creating a new social identity. â€Å"People strongly identified with a group can even be willing to sacrifice personal needs for the betterment of the group† (Bush & Coetzer, p.186). This is the foundation of The Home Depot’s employment strategies: To ensure commitment and a transformation from pre-existing values to employees who are committed to meeting Home Depot’s mission and goal for excellence in service delivery. Group affiliation is crucial to success in profit and service delivery at Home Depot since service is the foundation of its core values of business operations. Gaining commitment related to teamworking is necessary in an environment where customers are considered the most important resource to corporate success and the business must rely on direct employee/customer interventions in order to generate higher sales volumes and satisfy customers of widely different socio-economic demographics. Building team focus is the most primary organizational behavior at The Home Depot that continues to lead to its position as a market leader in its industry. How is this accomplished in the or ganization? The first step is to ensure that there is a perception of inclusion and affiliation.  Ã‚  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Relationship Between Visibility and Invisibility

Relationship Between Visibility and Invisibility Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we cant see. It is with these understated, wise words from the conductor in the recent childrens movie The Polar Express that this exploration into social exclusion begins. How is sight related to social exclusion? Quite simply, if a person, population or space is not or cannot be perceived it cannot be engaged with. In many instances it ceases to exist as part of functioning mainstream society, to stretch the sight metaphor, it disappears in societys blind spot. What causes the location of same in this blind spot of society is to be examined elsewhere, but as a process it certainly exists. This essay attempts to outline the relational nature of the societal seen and unseen through some specific ethnographies pertaining to social exclusion. To give a structural grounding, this essay examines firstly the nature of visibility and invisibility, both theoretically and in practice which allows this work to be contextualised. The notion of how this visibility or invisibility feeds into social exclusion is outlined and finally specific references to particular ethnographic texts are made, with secondary literature being called on where necessary. The core ethnographies are Bourgois (2002), In Search of Respect and two works of Saris (2002a, 2002b) on the Cherry Orchard community; State and Culture, and The meaning of art. Concrete examples will be drawn to make reference to both the visibility and invisibility of persons, populations, causal connections and social forces in no particular order. The interplay between same will be loosely traced throughout and is dealt with in depth before the closing remarks. The construction of the notion of visibility and invisibility is a ubiquitous yet largely un-theorised dimension of contemporary anthropology. Much like its sister subject or indeed even mother subject of social exclusion which is yet to be clearly defined in modern anthropology due to its fluid nature. For the sake of this essay I propose that social exclusion be understood as that process through which people or groups are prevented from participating. As to the relationship between social exclusion and visibility, if one is invisible either as an individual or group how is one to participate? So too if a social force is invisible it cannot be dealt with or controlled. This essay asks the question of how is visibility formed? What does it take to be constructed as a visible subject, citizen or consumer in societys eyes, the market or local and global power structures? Which persons, populations and groups are forced to lead invisible lives or to make their existences seen through d rastic behaviour and so-viewed misconduct? What illegal activities and lives are constructed and maintained in the shadow of public attention? The anthropological theoretical construct of visibility and invisibility, that is to say the manner in which anthropologists highlight the existence of these phenomena permeate numerous aspects of the discipline, society and culture. Numerous forms of visibility and invisibility can be constructed whether that is a rendering of human subjects, groups or events visible or invisible based on local moral, societal or hierarchical views. Take for example the employment of social norms and national law in addition to the varying forms of challenging these. Take the enforcement of tough laws of the Irish State against horse owners in Cherry Orchard, whereby the government constructed the view that horses in suburban communities, in this instance Cherry Orchard, were undesirable and had the Gardai (police) take possession of same (Saris: 2002b). Even the preparation, writing and presentation of ethnographies can be made invisible by the mainstream academic community, often due to the issues dealt with which some would rather remain neglected and silenced. Take for example the nature of how these ethnographies are received into modern anthropological thought. Bourgois (2002) has been criticised, just like many other ethnographers in the past, for their representation of a particular reality, for Bourgois life in El Barrio. Its rawness and uncensored violence challenge and disgust many that would prefer it remain hidden or rather invisible in academic writing and thought. Bourgois examines how the inner-city street culture developed in reaction to inequalities suffered by people when they interact with the mainstream society of New York. Bourgois proposes that street culture offers an alternative forum for autonomous personal dignity (2002: 8). Respect, he goes on to say, is integral to this subculture. The construction of this respect as a social manner of placing oneself in a hierarchy within the community of drug ridden El Barrio is important in terms of its making visible a social force, that of respect, and how that articulates itself in terms of actions within the community. Even within the community which is viewed as invisible the dynamics of visibility and invisibility exist. Although the street economy is based on the sale of crack cocaine, it is important to note that, substance abuse in the inner city is merely a symptom and a vivid symbol of deeper dynamics of social marginalization and alienation (Bourgois 2002: 2). Crack, then, is not an end in itself or the aim of the subculture, but rather a centre it operates around. As Bourgois observes, The crack economy, in fact, sprang from the search for respect; people needed an alternative to undesirable minimum-wage jobs, to fit with the street-defined dignity of refusing to work honestly for low wages (Bourgois 2002: 130). The residents of El Barrio could not earn respect or feel respected in the inferior positions they would be working in: Obedience to the norms of high-rise, office-corridor culture is in direct contradiction to street cultures definitions of personal dignity (Bourgois 2002: 115). Dealing crack provides a different visual representation for dignity and respect. Although the majority o f East Harlem residents are not involved with drugs in any way, the minority who are have managed to set the tone for public life (Bourgois 2002: 10). Hence, the crack economy, serves as an important structural force in the culture of East Harlem. The ways of earning respect in East Harlem inner-city street culture vary drastically, even defiantly, from those in mainstream American society. One method of achieving respect is through violence, whereby regular displays of outward violence are essential for protecting against rip-offs by colleagues, customers, and professional holdup artists. Bourgois explains that upward mobility in the underground economy of the street-dealing world requires a systematic and effective use of violence against ones colleagues, ones neighbours, and, to a certain extent, against oneself. Behaviour that appears irrationally violent, barbaric', and ultimately self-destructive to the outsider, can be reinterpreted according to the logic of the underground economy as judicious public relations and long-term investment in ones human capital development (2002: 24). Hence within the context of inner-city street culture violence is a part of the order of society and a legitimate way to earn respect, even t hough to an outsider violence may seem like a symptom of chaos. The highly visible nature of violence when expressed acts as a key point of socialisation in El Barrio. In El Barrio Bourgois highlights one aspect of the invisible becoming visible. Violence and violent activity among the invisible community of El Barrios drug underworld makes a very distinct, and ugly, presence felt when gang members quarrel. The public display of violence or fighting is visually noticed by the members of the visible community and is highly problematic. Deaths register on the polices radar and the media, which only manage to reinforce mainstreams societies need to repress or hide the region of El Barrio. Violent incidents, even when they do not physically threaten bystanders, are highly visible and traumatic. For example, during my first thirteen months of residence in El Barrio I witnessed a slew of violent incidents: .a deadly shotgun shooting a bombing and a machine-gunning. a shoot-out and a police car chase .fire-bombing of a heroin house.. a half-dozen screaming, clothes-ripping fights. (Bourgois: 2002: 34) Saris (2002b), brings an Irish context to this visibility/invisibility argument through his example of Cherry Orchard, Dublin 12. Described as an unfashionable Dublin suburb that most people in the capital have never been to (and that many people would never want to visit) (Saris: 2002b: 14). Saris goes on to say that Irish public policy towards poverty has been spatialised, looking to address the social exclusion of areas and populations in line with continental, especially French, models. (Saris: 2002b: 14) When Cherry Orchard intrudes on the Irish national consciousness at all, it is generally through the reporting of severe problems to be found therein. Perhaps the most spectacular demonstration of this tendency in recent years is the media coverage of the serious troubles in the area around Halloween 1995. At that time, the Gallanstown Housing Estate in Cherry Orchard erupted into a major civil disturbance which was described by the Gardaà ­ at the time as an organized riot. On Halloween night, several units of the Gardaà ­ were lured into the area in hot pursuit of joyriders in stolen cars. They were then surrounded and driven off the street by crowds bearing rocks and petrol bombs. The Gardai came back in force and were driven off the streets again. Over the course of several hours, tens of people were injured, two children very seriously, and dozens of arrests were made. Indeed, the Halloween Riots are still viewed by the authorities as one of the most disturbing incidents of public unrest in the Republic of Ireland within living memory (Saris: 2002b: 15). Interestingly the Cherry Orchard community, as a population, have expressed themselves through art, in specific wall murals. A number of local activist groups joined together and began to cast around for a way to put the riots behind them (Saris: 2002b: 15). It was eventually decided that, to symbolize the new birth of the area, the dreary walls in and around the housing estates of Cherry Orchard, which had hitherto been little more than convenient graffiti canvases, were to be repainted by the youth of the area. These walls allow a space for public expression of the community identity. They are also spaces of conflict in that they are used by rival gangs to pass messages, for example, let the games begin (Saris: 2002b: 14). This is a coded statement which visualises an otherwise unseen threatening reality. This lends another dimension of how groups of people, in this case gangs, make themselves visible. That is to say they articulate their warfare to the outside world, and indeed ma ke a statement within their own community. A specific gang is now visible in the community. The community can also now by identified by this gang. Hence a small group or gang can control external perception of the entire community as they have expressed themselves and choose to be visible. They have gone from being hidden and hiding behind the wall to making their presence felt by using the wall as a canvas. Interestingly in response to this invisible community making a visual stance the authorities, in this case Dublin Corporation, repaints the wall rendering these expressions invisible again. This particular example also begs the question as to who exactly controls what is and is not visible. On these same walls a statement Mark Hall was killed by the Gardai (Saris: 2002b: 16) was placed expressing a perception of a particular gang and using this to incite further violence. Marks mother defaced the wall herself removing the slogan saying that enough is simply enough. Individual ac tors in the society or community can have influence over their visibility or invisibility. All the poorer suburbs of the Dublin fringe, Fettercairn, North Clondalkin and Cherry Orchard, including high-rise urban areas like Ballymun, have recently completed, or are currently building Equestrian Centres, under the auspices of community development. (Saris: 2002: 171) These horse based projects are undertaken to aid those communities who are perceived as being socially excluded. It is through this representation of these neighbourhoods as visibly poor that they have gained such financial assistance for this project. The importance of horse ownership in these communities historically is quite significant in that they used horses for the transportation of goods, for general transport and for work. The tradition of maintain horses continued, unnoticed by most of the sprawling suburban Dublin. The fact of horse ownership in Dublin was invisible, and would have remained so had that invisible world overlapped with the mainstream visibility of middle class Dublin. Saris details an e vent whereby a number of horses strayed onto the M50, a busy motorway which is a ring road for Dublin. The issue of horse ownership in a city travelled from the invisible quarters to the visible and this transition was problematic for the society at large. The relationship between the visible and invisible is a tentative one. When the two overlap both become visible in their sharing. This forces the visible community to deal with the issues presented and for the most part his means returning the invisible to their invisibility. Legislative and police enforcement means were chosen by the middle classes to exercise this control and boxing back into community. These law focused deeds were socially exclusive means to deal with the problem whereby those in these poorer areas lacked the social credit to engage with such policies and drawing up of same. Hence the Dail passed legislation which made it all but impossible to have a horse in the city. Thus legislating horses from visible to in visibility. The final work which I wish to examine in terms of visibility is that of Lemanski Spaces of Exclusivity or Connection? Linkages between a Gated Community and its Poorer Neighbour in a Cape Town Master Plan Development. Even from this articles title the relational nature of the article is apparent. I propose that the gated community in question is constructed visibly whereas the poorer neighbours are constructed into invisibility. The article deals with an analysis of the relationships between residents of a gated community, Silvertree Estate, and their poorer neighbouring, non-gated, area called Westlake Village. The attitudes and perceptions that exist amongst residents of each both communities towards the other neighbourhood are addressed, as well as the nature of any direct contact between residents. The case study for this paper is located in a master plan private development, constructed in 1999 in the heart of Cape Towns wealthy (and predominantly White) southern suburbs. The d evelopment hosts two vastly different residential areas that despite spatial proximity are socially and functionally isolated. (Lemanski: 2006: 397) The development comprises two housing areas: Westlake village, a state-assisted low-income housing area providing home-ownership for Black African and Coloured community and also Silvertree Estate, a luxurious security Village with 24-hour surveillance. The development also includes non-residential land use with an exclusive private school (thus attracting high-income families to Silvertree), a business park, office park, retail centre and the US Consulate office. In terms of visibility of persons Westlake village is a prime example Westlake respondents were relatively easy to locate by walking the streets, knocking on doors and gaining referrals by befriending residents (Lemanski: 2002: 399). This again echoes the earlier examples of notions visibility depending on perspective. Whereas the Westlake village community is considered by those outside to be unworthy of recognition and hence written into invisibility, within the community itself individual actors are as real as the residents of Silvertree Estate. To refer back to the opening remarks of this essay the most real things in the world are the things we cant see. In contrast the residents of Silvertree are more were less willing to pass on their neighbours contact details and security measures ensured that all interviews required a pre-arranged (usually by telephone) appointment; thus it was harder to access Silvertree residents (Lemanski: 2002: 399). The residents of Silvertree are some what invisible to each other to within the highly visible community of Silvertree Estate, the walls within walls in which they live are an exterior expression of this interrelation-ally distant outlook. The nature of what brings about this difference is striking. Silvertree residents wish to remain independent, up in their ivory towers, and do not interact easily or frequently with their neighbours. The etiquette is one of polite distance, not wishing to pry on the other and a desire to maintain security as a priority. They choose to remain invisible. The notion of access is raised, in that Silvertree residents are difficult to access. This reflects the nature of invisibility itself, it is hard to access that which is hard to perceive. As to the enforced invisibility of the Westlake Village, the structural factor of planning has planned them into physical invisibility thanks to specifically designing the two communities in such a manner that the sight-line from Silvertree Estate does not intersect with any house of the invisible Westlake Village community. In the words of one Westlake resident due to the design of the compound the sight line of residents of Silvertree is such that they cannot directly see Westlake village. They build high walls like Jericho. They dont want to see us (E.T., 11 March 2004).(Lemanski: 2006: 408) To give an opposing perspective, that of a Silvertree Estate resident speaking about Westlake people As far as were concerned theyre not even there (A.K., 28 April 2004), (Lemanski: 2006: 409). The social factor of being undesirable, that is to say in this context poor and coloured, has resulted in their being built into invisibility. The relationship between visibility and invisibility is one which functions for the betterment of the visible community. A desire to repress or hide the other is satisfied by this process, its success is evident in the Westlake and Silvertree housing project. While Silvertree has become a sought-after address, with property values far exceeding original hopes, Westlake village has become the forgotten part of the development and is barely visible even from within the development, let alone from the surrounding roads and neighbourhoods. (Lemanski: 2006: 406) Lemanski even goes on to say that this invisibility was intended by the original master-plan design, hence hinting that such an apartheid-esque approach is still considered acceptable by both developers and the city town planners. Hence invisibility can be used as a tool to socially construct and control communities. Hence it is evident that finding the truth is a matter of representation, into visibility or invisibility. Social constructs are related by their ways of making visible, or their pointing out ways of obscuring, a fundamental reality, perhaps the defining quality, of our historical moment that of gross inequalities and their systematic reproduction. Whether that be the apartheid which still exists in South Africa through particular planning and the rewarding of same with success. That is when undesirables are written into invisibility in a particular estate and the whites can exist independently in their visible world they are rewarded by increased property prices. That violence in El Barrio is rewarded with respect. It can therefore be derived that the relationship between visibility and invisibility is complex and centred on power relationships. The nature that if a person, population or space is not or cannot be perceived it cannot be engaged with is key to the usefulness of invisibility for visible communities. So to the desire for invisible communities to stay invisible is demonstrated by Saris (2002) in Cherry Orchard where once their horses ventured into a visible sphere that which the community valued was challenged. The construction of the notion of visibility and invisibility and their relationship is an ever-present dimension in societal action, which feeds directly into or is part therein of social exclusion, in that the aid they process through which people or groups are prevented from participating.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Using Listservs and Discussion Groups in the English Classroom Essay

Using Listservs and Discussion Groups in the English Classroom Virtually everyone is on the Internet these days from my 85-year-old grandfather to my five-year-old nephew. We are checking our emails from long lost friends and next-door neighbors. As adults we are paying our bills, filing our taxes, and scheduling our appointments. But the phenomena is not exclusive to adults; teens are on there more than ever communicating with one another, shopping, and finding out information about endless topics in just a click of a few buttons. We are so technologically centered that it makes sense to transfer this pastime to school, right? Online learning: the wave of the future? Many say yes as students from kindergarten to the graduate level continue to participate in communication via the Internet. They range from small projects to entire online courses and degree programs. In the college classroom, the Internet has taken on a sort of â€Å"replacement† role to the traditional classroom set up, while in the secondary classroom, teachers are finding ways to incorporate the Internet, namely listservs and discussion groups to supplement the time spent in the actual classroom. This insurgence of technology helps students to become familiar with the Internet and software programs, it gives the shy student a chance to shine where he/she may not normally have a chance, and it has allowed for more student-generated discussion. Many of us already use Internet Chat rooms to discuss certain issues with people of similar interests. These rely on what is called real-time interaction or synchronous which means that all users are online at the same time discussing topics back and forth. Discussion groups or listservs are similar to this, ... ...o, Regina F. and Alberto M. Bento. "Using the Web to extend and support classroom learning." College Student Journal 34.4 Dec. 2000: 603-8. Burnett, Tim. "Running Your Own Listserv." Classroom Connect 7.4 Dec. 2000/Jan. 2001: 11. Dutt-Doner, Karen M. and Susan M. Powers. "The use of electronic communication to develop alternative avenues for classroom discussion." Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 8.2 (2001): 153-72. MacDonald, Lucy and David C. Caverly. "Expanding the online discussion." Journal of Developmental Education 25.2 Winter 2001: 38-9. Robinson, Doug. "Listservs 101: What they are and how to make the best use of them." Feliciter 47.6 (2001): 292-3. Tiene, C. Drew. "Online discussions: a survey of advantages and disadvantages compared to face-to-face discussions." Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 9.4 (2000): 371-84. Using Listservs and Discussion Groups in the English Classroom Essay Using Listservs and Discussion Groups in the English Classroom Virtually everyone is on the Internet these days from my 85-year-old grandfather to my five-year-old nephew. We are checking our emails from long lost friends and next-door neighbors. As adults we are paying our bills, filing our taxes, and scheduling our appointments. But the phenomena is not exclusive to adults; teens are on there more than ever communicating with one another, shopping, and finding out information about endless topics in just a click of a few buttons. We are so technologically centered that it makes sense to transfer this pastime to school, right? Online learning: the wave of the future? Many say yes as students from kindergarten to the graduate level continue to participate in communication via the Internet. They range from small projects to entire online courses and degree programs. In the college classroom, the Internet has taken on a sort of â€Å"replacement† role to the traditional classroom set up, while in the secondary classroom, teachers are finding ways to incorporate the Internet, namely listservs and discussion groups to supplement the time spent in the actual classroom. This insurgence of technology helps students to become familiar with the Internet and software programs, it gives the shy student a chance to shine where he/she may not normally have a chance, and it has allowed for more student-generated discussion. Many of us already use Internet Chat rooms to discuss certain issues with people of similar interests. These rely on what is called real-time interaction or synchronous which means that all users are online at the same time discussing topics back and forth. Discussion groups or listservs are similar to this, ... ...o, Regina F. and Alberto M. Bento. "Using the Web to extend and support classroom learning." College Student Journal 34.4 Dec. 2000: 603-8. Burnett, Tim. "Running Your Own Listserv." Classroom Connect 7.4 Dec. 2000/Jan. 2001: 11. Dutt-Doner, Karen M. and Susan M. Powers. "The use of electronic communication to develop alternative avenues for classroom discussion." Journal of Technology and Teacher Education 8.2 (2001): 153-72. MacDonald, Lucy and David C. Caverly. "Expanding the online discussion." Journal of Developmental Education 25.2 Winter 2001: 38-9. Robinson, Doug. "Listservs 101: What they are and how to make the best use of them." Feliciter 47.6 (2001): 292-3. Tiene, C. Drew. "Online discussions: a survey of advantages and disadvantages compared to face-to-face discussions." Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia 9.4 (2000): 371-84.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Apple: Power, Control and Conflict Essay

According to Fortune magazine, Apple has been named the most admired company in the US in 2008, expanding its reputation throughout the world from 2008-2012. However, the popular giant organisation has being critsized widely for it’s contractor labour practices, business practices as well as Apple’s own environmental approach. This essay will analyze Apple in two different perspective theories which will help us understand the practices in a better context; these two perspective will be the modernist and the Critical theory. The modernist organization theorist thinks that having a grasp over knowledge over how well they understand how and why organizations work the way they do and how their functionality is affected by the ever-changing environmental conditions. Organizational problems are identified so as to come up with more efficient and effective ways for the organization to improve its profitability and have a competitive advantage. In addition, the modernist theorist thinks that successful organizations are able to cope with pressures internally and externally, develop basic competencies, increase productivity and being adaptable to change. The Critical Theory perspective is actually a somewhat opposite approach of the modernist theory. It is introduced to critique the unfavourable working conditions for the workers in an organisation. Although critical theorists claim it is important to observe and interact with the world, they also believe one must be able to examine and approach problems in order to come up with solutions (Rucker, 2012) Critical theorist also feel that the modernist way consider labour power is a commodity because they use people to to generate financial gains. The critical theory also states that there are unequal power in the workplace where there is control and domination by the managers with authoritative power. Power,Control, conflict There are three different theories to power, control and conflict in an organisation. According to (Weber, 2001), he thinks that legitimate power is hidden within hierarchy. For control, it is usually exercised by the organisation and it is assumed that the decision maker agree about organisational goals. Finally, for conflict, organizational decision makers are usually faced with competition, scarce resources, interdependence. This usually leads to the conflicts as the one holding powerful positions would tend to make their own decisions for their own benefits to safeguard their position. This becomes a political behavior by individuals. However, self awareness of the individual would usually lead them to align their interests with that of the company’s that will in turn benefit the organization objectives at the same time. Modernist theorists hold the concept of control using bureaucratic theories. It makes use of authority to set certain regulations, rules, standard procedures to obtain a certain kind of control over its employees. It also usually engage in differentiation and departmentalization. The modernist theorist strives to improve efficiency and effectiveness at all times by having control on information, surveillance, rewarding of employees and a contract to protect the interests of both sides. Clan control theories approaches are also used to influence employees through group behavior and to establish culture within groups. Finally, they also hold the belief that conflict in organization is counter-productive and should be managed by those in power to maximize performance. A critical theorist believes in the social, economic and political structures and ideologies play a part in affecting the organisation. It also challenges the owner’s right to profit-favours democracy. It also criticizes the system showing signs of exploitation, domination, resistance and miscommunication. It tries to frees dominated groups and develop more democratic and humanistic forms. It believes that employees of an organisation usually give consent to their own exploitation through a false sense of consciousness. Finally, it feels that conflict is an inevitable consequence of capitalism and is necessary for resistance. When the two different individuals have different perspective, disagreements tend to occur. The disagreements are further aggravated by the miscommunication or the attitudes of different individuals. This usually results in one party trying to gain an upper hand on another. A modernist theorist keeps conflicts under control by assigning power and authority to an individual to manage such problems. The formalised methods, rules and regulations by organisations also assist in helping to reduce conflicts at work. With lesser conflicts occurring at work, performance, productivity and efficiency is greatly improved. In comparison, the critical theorist supports conflicts as it shows a form of resistance towards the power in the organisation. With conflicts, improvements could be implemented and this could increase work productivity as well as a sense of worker’s satisfaction. Conflicts are viewed as beneficial in this case as workers are entitled to their own opinions which in turns help motivate the worker’s morale and induce creativity in them. Organization structure and physical structure The organisational social structure refers to the relationship people share within an organisation. This structure is believed to be used as a tool to control organisational outcomes. It also represents the way people interact and exchange information and data which improves the efficieincy of the organisation. The physical structure refers to the spatial relationships between physical elements of an organisation linked to its buildings and the places they are located at. Modernist and Critical theorist share similar ideologies about the organisation and physical structure as they help employees achieve maximum productivity which increase efficiency. However, there are certain views that are between Modernist and Critical Theorist that pales in comparison. Modernist theorist usually try to look for high levels of performance which they believe is linked to statistical relationships between dimensions of structure and performance they could develop a successful strategy. They follow the organisational practices and regulations by adopting the ‘Mechanistic’ structure (Burns & Stalker, 1961), which implements conventionalism and customary practices through guidelines. With positions and ranks to determine authority, this usually creates a sense of control over employees to achieve beneficial profits (Clegg & Haugaard, 2009). This structure is usually modelled on successful governing organisations to be used as a point of reference. As for the physical structure, the modernist perspective believes that lighting, music, temperature and a few other physical factors affects employee’s productivity. Critical theorists states that organisation and physical structures are required as the organisation would not be able to function normally without a proper structure and hierarchy. However, they see it as a way to implement and maintain control over employees. (Hatch and Cunliffe,2006). Critical theorist holds a different opinion in comparison to the modernist view on ideology as it feels that the modernist approach tends to exploit workers. They strive to enable the employees to be able to voice out against the management who make use of employee’s efforts. The critical theorists prefer to rely on the â€Å"Organic† structure (Burns & Stalker 1961) as it ensures flexibility, creativity and and tends to be less formalised. Organization Culture Apple represents a significant part of modern culture in today’s context. However, culture is a make-believe approach and does not really affect the company as a whole. Nonetheless, Apple makes full use of this approach to successfully manipulate culture to ‘please’ customers and profit off them. Analysis of Apple in Theoretical perspective The two perspectives are used to define Apple’s positive outcomes of its successful business model and understand its shortcomings. Mordernist and critical theorist have different approach on power, control, perception of organizational and physical structures of organizations. Therefore a comparison between the two theories will allow us to have a better understanding of how a big organization like Apple operates. Apple is considered one of the most successful companies globally. It is considered one of the most iconic brands around the world. Their success did not come until the introduction of iMac, iPhone and iPad series. In the modern world where people cannot live communications and networking, speed is an important factor which determines the consumer’s choices. Apple has managed to meet the consumer’s expectations of speed with an added advantage of its products being user-friendly. Modern Perspective Modernist theorist feels that Apple is the perfect example as it sets a standard for other companies to model after. It has been discovered that Apple has eanings of over $400,000 in profit per employee. That is more than other global organisations such as Goldman Sachs, Exxon Monil or Google in 2011 (Duhigg & Bradsher, 2012). With the tremendous amount of profits, it usually means the company is doing well according to modernist theorist. Apple’s values of having a clear direction, individual accountability, sense of urgency, constant feedback and clarity of mission has helped to benefit them financially as well as winning the admiration of other organizations. Apple’s operating procedures at first had proper power and control just like any other organizations. This shows that they followed the hierarchy and implemented a bureaucratic system for the employees to adhere to. Apple believes doing this will enable to employees to improve into an elite workforce. However, when Steve Jobs became CEO, he introduced a different concept to the organisation. There were still power and authority at work but this was rearranged to keep the employees motivated at work. Apple also introduced the â€Å"Direct Responsible Individual’, meaning that there were no confusion to the responsibilities of the individual that were assigned to handle as it was detail-orientated. Everybody is responsible for their own actions therefore the employees could take pride in their work. However, the control still works in a bureaucratic manner without compromising the flow of communication, therefore respecting the hierarchy of the organisation. (Clegg & Hauggard 2009). This in turn helps to boost Apple’s reputation as a professional and reputable company, giving rise to their stock prices that appealed to buyers. Apple has always outsourced its manufacturing procedures to foreign countries; This has enabled them to source for lower paid workers who were more than willing to take up the repetitive and tough jobs compared to their counterparts in America. They chose china because of its large population and cheap labour, with an average hourly rate of US $1.57 in 2008 (Froud, Johal, Leaver & Williams, 2012). They were able to produced on a massive scale with the large manpower working in its China factories. With the low production cost per unit, Apple’s gross margin per unit sold was high, raising its stock market value rising up to $343 billion (Froud, Johal, Leaver and Williams, 2012). Organizations around the world are now following in Apple’s footsteps by outsourcing their manufacturing procedures to other countries hoping to gain a higher profit margin. Critical Perspective Critical theorists criticize Apple’s operation approach as it feels that all it cares about is its profits and does not consider the needs of its employees. Although Apple claim to put less pressure and allow its employees to improve their creativity on by introducing the â€Å"Direct Responsible Individual’, Critical Theorists feels that the organisation is just making use of the employees ideas without giving them the due recognition or financial benefits generated from their own ideas. So the critical theorist is suggesting that Apple’s approach to ‘organic’ structure (Burns & Stalker 1961) is used just to exploit and control their workers by allowing them to feel a false sense of fulfilment. Critical theorist also question Apple’s decision to outsource their manufacturing process to Foxcon. They feel that workers were exploited by the low wages and long working hours. Dangerous work environments with routinized procedures to adhere to further aggravate the working conditions for the employees of Foxcon. This has allowed Apple to reap tremendous profits at the expense of the worker’s wages and poorly constructed work environment. All these factors contributed to the unexpected suicide cases due to what employees have to face at Foxcon. Although Apple released a statement that it will try its best to improve the working conditions at Foxcon, critical theorists have doubts about their claims and believe they will continue to exploit their workers. Apple and its environment The organizational environment is external factors that will affect the organization. (Hatch & Cunliffe, 2006) The environment plays an important part for Apple’s growth and sustainbility as it is a big organization. Modern perspectives Modernist oversee the environment by observing and approaching it systematically and technologically. By relating to Apple, the organisation separates itself from its manufacturing facilities in China although it uses these resources for their input process. The products produced by the factories would then be sold internationally. As Apple is aware how the environment may affect or impede their financial progress, it sticks closely to the three environmental contingency theories to help them adapt. The first theory that modernist examine would be the ‘Environmental Contingency Theory’. This states that the organization structure should undergo changes to fit the current environment (Lawrence and Lorsch, 1967). In the context of Apple, this organization change in structure could be evident in the early 90s, where Apple attempts to reinvent its platforms and improve its products hardware. It also restructured the company’s product line and introduced a new build-to-order manufacturing strategy. This adaptative approach has helped Apple return to profitability and combat other competition from other companies externally. The next theory will be the ‘Resource Dependence Theory’. This states that the environment has a tremendous influence over the organization. Therefore it must control their dependency on it and try to come up with counter strategies to the environment. (Lawrence and Lorsch, 1967). One of the examples that can be linked back to Apple would be how it outsourced its manufacturing processes to foreign countries. This shows that it is not dependent on its own labour resources but scout for cheaper alternatives instead. This theory has assisted Apple in the sense of not being too dependent of the resources found in its own country, allowing Apple to reap massive financial benefits in doing so. Finally, the last theory would be the ‘Population Ecology’ theory. Organizational ecology gets information from the biology, economics, and sociology, and tries to rely on statistical analysis to grasp the conditions under which organizations emerge, grow, and die. (Hanan & Freeman, 1977) It is seen as a different option to gain a stronger hold to the adaptation perspective. Simplified, it’s the idea that environment affects organization structure, failure, and success. This happens when companies focus on surviving within an environment by being dependent on it to operate at a basic level (Hatch and Cunliffe 2006). Apple’s success has left many organisations around to world trying to model after it in order to be gain financial benefits. Apple has set a benchmark for the organisations to rely on in order to survive. Therefore, Apple has successfully implemented certain strategies that allowed it to outlast the environment and still continue to do well. Critical perspective Critical theorists believe that Apple is a capitalist who make use of the environment to support their own company objectives. The management of Apple is seen as concentrating their efforts on profitable ideas instead of improving organisational productivity and effectiveness. This makes the company develop a sense of invulnerability. Capitalist are able to gain control over societies to avoid making restitutions for poor social and environmental conduct. Over the years, Apple has managed to transformed from an American based company to a transitional corporation. It is able to operate and produce anywhere as long as the input resource is low in cost. Although Apple has helped boost China’s economy and generate jobs and income for its citizens, critical theorist states that Apple only does this for their own financial interest. This can be seen from the exploitation of under-aged workers and the disregard for worker’s safety in a poorly constructed factory. Critical theorist also believes the fact that Apple is trying to gain monopoly of the workers through Taylorism approaches. This affects the employees in such a way that they have no other skills but to continue working for Apple. As the Chinese government does not want Apple to pull out of its country for the financial growth it is generating, it is coerced to comply with Apple’s undesirable organisational practices. Finally, Apple also registered their organisation with NASDAQ. This will improve public awareness and recognition in the company within its environment as they can provide future fund-raising capabilities by means of issuing share (Mcdowall, 2007). Achieving this would enable them to improve their net worth and gain an upper standing in the financial world. This will allow them to dominate over the environment’s social network. Conclusion In conclusion, through the two perspectives, it has allowed us to effectively see the differences in practices in Apple. It may be a correct organisational approach in the sense of a modernist view, but in a critical view, it focuses more on the social impacts Apple has on its employees. Therefore, the views only provide two different approaches of but not about whether it is a right or wrong practice. The theoretical perspective only serve as a rule of thumb in viewing the organisation in from different angles but is not a good benchmark to rely on for judgement of discernment. References: Adam Lashinsky, Sr. Editor at Large 2011, How Apple works: Inside the world’s biggest startup and Apple’s core: Who does what. Bakan, Joel (2004) The Corporation (p5-27). New York : Free Press Berg, Chris , 2012, West views poverty as a poison Apple Burns, T & Stalker, GM1961, The Management of Innovations, Tavistock Publications, London Clegg, S., & Dunkerly, D. (1980). Organization, class and control. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. Duhigg Charles & Barboza David, 2012, Working themselves to death Fortune Magazine (2012) World Most Admired company (viewed on 20th August) Hatch, MJ & Cunliffe, AL 2006, Organization Theory Modern , Symbolic , and Postmodern Perspectives, 2nd edn, Oxford University Press, England. Jenny Chan and Ngai Pun (2012) Suicide as Protest for the New Generation of Chinese Migrant Workers: Foxconn, Global Capital, and the State Julie Froud, Sukhdev Johal, Adam Leaver, Karel Williams, 2012, Apple Business Model : Financialization across the Pacific Lawrence, P., and Lorsch, J. (1967) â€Å"Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations† Administrative Science Quarterly 12, 1-30. Max Weber, (2001) Introduction to Sociology McDowall, Len, 2007, publicly Listing a Company, the Advantages & Disadvantages, ( Michael T. Hannan and John H. Freeman (1977) The population ecology of organizations Sadler, P.J. and Barry, B. A. 1970. Organisational Development, London: Longmans.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Food †Cooking Essay

India is popular in many sectors around the globe. Taste is one among them. For some people it is link to occasions and others as memories. They make fun and call their places with certain names like Chennai sambar, Hyderabad biryani, Mumbai vada pao, Rajasthan kachori many more. At colleges or work places as we meet different culture people and start calling out the person by their native food item names and behaviour is described by food items. Doctors say that eating good food helps for a good health but making the taste make much better health. These days the trend is the fast food culture where people forgot about their traditional food. This made India to face many health issues. This generation home makers and kids don’t know about their own traditional food followed from centuries. Some of them are interested in having those traditional foods but as of busy life’s these days they adopted the system of buying in home foods or sweet shops. Where the costs are high and less in quality. The best think ever I know to do is cooking and considered as creativity. Needs all senses to engage with cooking. I have a strong feeling that art of cooking is hereditary. In my family where my grandma’s and aunt’s have that skill of cooking traditional food. These indulge me to cooking when I was 8, simply by toasting a dose. Trying different recipes make me know about variant cultural food habits and nutrition value. Before cooking any dish I understand its own origin, history. I learnt that certain pattern styles is not enough for cooking but also need to select proper utensils. There is choice for anything even in cooking, vegetarian and non vegetarian. For me the best part of cooking easy is the non-veg items because that’s my favourite and I enjoy it a lot. Here comes the picture of technology ‘GURU’ for all ‘GOOGLE PROFESSOR’ usage started, gone through various web sites and experiments took place, continuing now even. As I’m a Telugu girl learned the basic cooking at home and now had no idea about the traditional items being cooked for the festivals. I’m interested in experimenting, so there the journey started for learning traditional cooking. Pongal festival time is the day we find the traditional cooking starts. When I visited to my grandparent’s village the preparation started and observed many different things over there. The procedure opted is completely changed from the normal day to day pattern of cooking. Instead of gas or electric stove they used the old stove built with mud for cooking purpose. They used different method in making the food items and important to learn the ratios in mixing, measures used for preparing (rules). Utensils are too big, unique and they are made with different sources. Objects which I found are not used same for all because as they change from item to item cooking pattern. Handling those utensils, managing the old stove and cooking those involved with great practice, skill. Finally I’m proud to say that I learned some traditional dishes were I can cook without the help of others. By, G. Manasa MBA 1st – A.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Essay about Timeline 1750

Essay about Timeline 1750 Essay about Timeline 1750 Timeline 1750-1914 Toussaint Louverture (May 20, 1743- April 7, 1803) -The leader of the Haitian Revolution Reign of King Louis XVI (Aug. 23 1754- Jan. 1793 -King of France that was executed in the French Revolution James Watt perfects steam engine (1765) -He discovered that steam could be harnessed and used to work. American Revolution (April 19, 1775- Sept. 3, 1783) - Colonists of the thirteen colonies overthrew the British congress and created the united states of america Simon Bolivar (July 24, 1783- Dec. 17, 1803) -Venezuelan statesman and military leader French Revolution (1789-1799) -French citizens redesigned their country’s political landscape Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) -The largest and most successful slave rebellion in the western hemisphere Cotton Gin Developed (1793) -The modern mechanical cotton gin was invented in the United States in 1793 by Eli Whitney Reign of Napoleon (April 20, 1808- Jan. 9, 1873 -French military leader and emperor who conquered much of Europe in the early 19th century Wars of Independence in Latin America (1808-1826) -revolutions that took place during the late 18th and early 19th centuries and resulted in the creation of a number of independent countries in Latin America. Spinning Mule Developed (1813) -The spinning mule produced a very fine and even thread which was suitable to spin yarns for making muslin. Congress of Vienna (Sept. 1814) -A congress is a formal meeting of the representatives of different nations, constituent states, independent organizations, or groups Opium War (1839-1842) -wars between China and Western countries Unification of Italy (1848-1870) -The movement to unite Italy into one cultural and political entity Taiping Rebellion (Dec. 1850) -one of the bloodiest civil wars in history between the Qing Dynasty and the Chinese 'Christian' rebels Crimean War (1853-1856) -a conflict in which Russia lost to an alliance of France, Britain, the Ottoman Empire, and Sardinia Bessemer Process Developed (1856) -first inexpensive industrial process for the mass-production of steel from molten pig iron prior to the open hearth furnace Sepoy Rebellion (1857-1858) -The British commanders were forcing Indian soldiers to use their mouth on the cartridges which were greased with cow and pig fat; This was against religious beliefs and led to an uprising by the Sepoys Origin of the Species Published (Nov. 24, 1859) -a book written by Charles Darwin about evolution Emancipation of Russian Serfs (1864) -the first and most important of liberal reforms effected during the reign of Emperor Alexander II of Russia Meiji Restoration (1868-1912) -the political revolution that brought about the fall of the Tokugawa shogunate and returned

Monday, October 21, 2019

Singtel Environmental Forces Essay Example

Singtel Environmental Forces Essay Example Singtel Environmental Forces Paper Singtel Environmental Forces Paper In order to offer the newest innovations to their customers, they must continuously invest in their technical infrastructure. New technologies, such as the G service for mobile phones must be introduced at the time to let customers make full use of their mobile phones. However, Singlet must assure that they have enough capacity to change to a faster system. As a result, they reduced the data volume for all new contracts from 30 KGB to 12 KGB and from 12 KGB to 2 KGB for cheaper contracts. Additionally, Singlet has won the Asia Communication Award 201 2 for its excellent cloud computing service. This is ND consecutive year Singlet has won this award. 2. 1. 2 Demographic Demographics are another important nongovernmental force. Demography is the study of populations in terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation and other characteristics. Singlet wants to know who are their customers. This is, in is order to provide customized services which are matching to different groups of the population. To attract new customers they must identify the customer needs. This is also closely related to customers. After demographics have been analyses Singlet can move over to look for potential customers. As for teenagers, they normally use prepaid cards which they can top up whenever they need to. Furthermore, as more and more people own smartness, even primary school kids start using them. This is an example of change in purchasing pattern in the mobile phone sector among teenagers. Since the new generation grew up with smart phones, they are likely to buy one in their early stage of life. Therefore, prepaid cards are inappropriate because most prepaid cards do not offer sufficient mobile data usage. Another example, heavy users, such as property agents or insurance brokers are dependent on unlimited usage plans. Thus, Singlet must offer phone and internet plans that satisfy personal users as well as business users. 2. 2 Micromanagement Micromanagement is the internal environment on which the company has an impact. It includes company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customers, competitors and publics. 2. 2. 1 Competitors The Singapore market has three telecoms annunciation companies. Basically, all three are offering the same services, makes it really competitive in this relatively small market. Operating carriers are MI, Singlet and Startup. Singlet is the leading carrier with a 43% market share in postpaid and 53% in broadband internet (31 . March 2006). Nonetheless, MI and Startup are trying to attract more customers by giving them better conditions as they receive at Singlet. For example, per minute billing is only used by MI and Startup. They just accumulate all outgoing calls in seconds which is more accurate in terms of usage and gives the user more time to call whereas Singlet even charges you 1 minute even though duration of the call is only 10 seconds. However, still many people and businesses stick to Singlet. Being one Of the largest telecommunication companies, Singlet is able to provide their customers the new G mobile service as first carrier in Singapore. This gives Singlet an competitive advantage over the other carriers who will follow later this year. In addition, Singlet won the Computerized Singapore Customer Care Award 2012. 3000 of Singapore?s most progressive information executives have voted for Singlet in the first quarter of 2012. This is the 5th consecutive year Singlet has won this award. 3. 0 Conclusion Singlet is still in its leading position in Singapore since they hold the highest racket share.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

To coin a word or drop a clanger, that is the question - Emphasis

To coin a word or drop a clanger, that is the question To coin a word or drop a clanger, that is the question On misusing or fumbling a word, is it better to hold your hands up to it or to compare yourself to the worlds greatest playwright? For Sarah Palin, apparently, the answer was easy. Her use of the entirely made up refudiate was no error; indeed, inventing it was akin to something Shakespeare himself would have done (oh, when will the comparisons between those two end?). Last Sunday, in response to proposed plans to build a mosque at Ground Zero in New York, Palin begged peaceful Muslims, please refudiate in a Tweet. While the message was later deleted, she eventually followed it up with one declaring, Shakespeare liked to coin new words too. Got to celebrate it! Of course, this new word, judged by those with dictionaries to be an accidental combination of refute (meaning to prove to be false) and repudiate (to reject as having no authority), still wouldnt quite work in this context, if at all. More appropriately, perhaps, Palin also aligned herself with George Malaprop Bush, the misunderestimated president who was mindful not only of preserving executive powers for [him]self, but for predecessors as well. The English language always has and always will grow and change. But the question now is: should we all refudiate words entering the language out of sheer unwillingness to admit we got it wrong?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

International business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

International business - Essay Example This report aims at discussing why certain overseas businesses have a decentralized operations systems while the other follows a more centralized form. There have been several debates and discussions on this topic and the reasons why companies choose different forms of organisational structures in different places. To understand this better it is essential to firstly understand the meaning of decentralised and centralised forms of organisational operations. This will lead various factors that allow companies to choose the different style and also how the two differ in the case of different companies. There have been numerous debates and discussions in regards to the definition of ‘Decentralization’, and in a number of events this term has been mixed with ‘devolution’ or ‘delegation’. In the case of multi national companies and their operations, decentralization can be taken to mean the decision making rights or responsibilities, i.e. away from the centre and spread out across the various locations. Decentralization of a business operation simply means that the operation of every location is separate and based on the needs of the particular location. Here the main managers and heads of the company for each location are held responsible for the strategies, plans and operations of the particular location. In simpler terms the process of decentralization involves the decision making process and authority of the firm to a larger number of actors rather than a limited few in the central office. Operations in these kinds of companies are decentralized and the management for each area is different. Hence a decentralized management allows the company to perform better in the various regions and ensure that the company works in accordance with the region, culture, values and ethics. Also if the operations are tailor made for the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Number Our Days Barbara Myerhoff Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Number Our Days Barbara Myerhoff - Essay Example Her study consists of an ethnographic view of aging in one segment of American society. She shows how these people address issues of aging that all people must eventually face. The group Meyerhof studied was primarily made up of Eastern European Jews that immigrated to the United States prior to the Holocaust. They spoke mostly Yiddish and Hebrew but also could speak English. The group consisted of many elderly struggling to hang on to their independence. The Senior Center provided the support needed for some to remain independent. They ate kosher hot meals at the center and met with friends to discuss whatever caught their interest at the time. The center provided a gathering and socialization point for the group. The elderly Jewish population studied may have been functioning based upon 'activity theory'. They were happy so long as they remained active and independent. 'Activity Theory' (Havighurst and Friedman) predicts that the elderly are satisfied with life when they hang on to their adult roles in life. The theory also predicts that the most active people are the most satisfied people. According to 'activity theory' to maintain health the elderly need to be actively involved in adult activities of living life, should eat their meals together as a community, and should stay away from activities that would make one lonely. The activities that are included don't necessarily mean that the elderly need to be with other people all the time but that they remain actively taking care of themselves by shopping, keeping appointments, and doing other self-care activities that any adult would be expected to do. In her book Meyerhof described how two elderly women walked slowly along balancing so as not to fall. A fall for them would most probably result in a broken hip and their being shipped off to an old folk's home. Their loss of independence would mean the loss of their satisfaction with life. Removal from their little society in Venice Beach would have been devastating to anyone in this group. The group studied no longer actively contributed to greater society but added considerably to the group they were a part of. They looked forward to their daily interactions with other group members. A view of where these people fit into greater society would show them as disengaging from one role and undertaking another. Meyerhof was interested in how these older folks survived. What was it that kept them going Heschel gave his answer as ""I'll tell you how I survive, but you won't like it....The word is 'pain.' Pain is the avenue to getting a soul, getting quality from yourself. This is how you get a life that's really on the essence." He went on to describe how when you are in the business of living you take pain and ignore it. ""So when the pain comes, I am patient. I shut up, active silence; I bear it... ". He went on further to explain to Meyerhof how acceptance of pain rather than medicating oneself (with a tranquilizer) was living. It was his decision to put pain in perspective and get on with the business of living. One of Meyerhof's great discoveries was that rituals or traditions played a big part in surviving day to day and

Hosting the World Cup Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hosting the World Cup - Essay Example The World Cup Finals is the most widely-viewed sporting event in the world, with an estimated 715.1 million people watching the 2006 tournament final.[1] With the rising popularity of the FIFA World Cup, fan clubs are being formed, merchandise carrying the popular team's logos is being sold like hot cakes, discussions among sports lovers and children too is centered around the World Cup. As to hosting the World Cup, from 1958 to 1998, since countries from America and Europe had the maximum participation till recently, to avoid controversies, each continent was allowed to host an alternate event. Now, however, FIFA's Executive Committee decides the country which gets to host the game, depending on the members' votes. The popularity of the game has spread world wide, including Asian and African countries. The 2002 World Cup was jointly hosted by Japan and South Korea. This was the first time in its history that it was held in Asia and two countries hosted it jointly. Needless to say, the popularity of the World Cup is growing by the day. Not only football lovers, but intellectuals, housewives and children, irrespective of their age or nationality are interested in the game. With the world becoming a global village, fans are not restricted to any one country. There are fans of the Italian team all over America, Asia and Africa.

Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 11

Law - Essay Example Lastly, the paper will also make suggestion for the further changes to be made in the statute in the light of the changing needs and requirements of the social establishments during the contemporary times. Hence, the paper will provide an in-depth examination of assault in accordance with the statutes of law. It is a reality beyond suspicion that the states and political authorities have always been interested in devising schemes and implementing them in order to maintain law and order as well as to ensure the safety and protection of all members of society. For this purpose, statutes of laws are articulated and enforced for discouraging criminal acts and punishing the offenders, so that crime rate could be controlled in society. The devising of statutes and making amendments in them, for combating the assaults, has always been an essential part of the same campaign launched by the New York legislature and administration. The term assault simply refers to the violent attack on some individual, group or community out of mens rea or criminal intention with the aim of inflicting physical hurt or harm subsequently. Battery and maiming are taken to be the crimes almost identical to assault, which observe proximity with assault in nature and scope, as all the three maintain similar intention and consequences, though effects of the three could witness slight differences (Bryn, 1966:614-5). Battery actually is the occurrence of physical contact between the offender and offended, while maiming could be regarded to be the combination of both assault and battery. Hence, the court of law announces punishment in accordance with the damages appeared in the wake of committing of the offence (615-6). While discussing the elements attributed to assault, there must be mens rea behind committing of this crime, and the act has actually been performed, either it has caused severe harm

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Human Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Cloning - Essay Example 7). Human cloning is a controversial that elicits diverse reactions from all quarters and almost every member of the human race. The issue of cloning has caused much debate since the firs cloning of a live sheep in Scotland in 1997m due to ethics and authority to participate in the events leading to the creation of a new human being from the originally born one. This topic is crucial to the existence of human beings as it may be used to either improve their lives or degrade them. Personal Opinion In my opinion, human cloning is a gift that should be embraced by all of humanity because it has multiple benefits if made use of in appropriate ways. Cloning should be allowed among humans because it can be used to cure or improve certain conditions such as infertility. In reference to this, infertile couples can have children of their own. In addition, cloning, if allowed can be used to repair damaged tissues and organs in the human body. This is through growing new organs, which is called therapeutic cloning; that can then be used for the maintenance of the human body. This is especially so for conditions that requires transplants such as leukemia, liver and kidney failures (Human Genome Project Information, 2009, Para. 15). Cloning can be used to generate new bone marrow that can then be transplanted into the patient and, therefore, healing them of their condition. In addition, it lessens the risk and burden that loved ones have to bear in order to save their lives. This is in the form of surgery that they have to go trough so as to donate their organs for use by others. Not only can human cloning be used in the above named processes, but also in plastic and reconstructive surgeries. Cloning allows for production of body tissues that are compatible with the host, which in turn lessens the risk of tissue rejection (Advancing Science, Serving Society, 2007, Para. 5). For this reason, cloning can be used to treat conditions such as amputated limbs as they may easily b e regenerated. The additional conditions that can benefit from human cloning include defective genes and genetic diseases. This would be beneficial, especially to parents that have genetic disorders. For parents considering conception, they may see a specialist to have the genes eradicated and thus ensure that they do not pass the problems on to their offspring. People Opinions The majority of those who think that human cloning should be allowed share common belief with me that it can be used for the good of human kind, and especially so in regard to health. One opinion that is outstanding is that, due to the preservation of health and even extension of life, scientists could continue to live. As a result, the world would benefit from their great discoveries and inventions. All this would be the result of recreating their minds in a different time and body. For example, if this were to happen to the Wright brothers, they would help greatly in developing space exploration and the avi ation industry at large. Furthermore, others claim that for the purpose of reproducing offspring in cases of couples who cannot conceive, cloning should be legal, but only if the child will not be subjected to tests for his or her entire life. Therefore, it should be perfected before it is used for such events. In spite of all their well-argued reasons for supporting human cloning, some reasons for their support were utterly misconceived and based on fallacies of over imagination. One such thought was that cloning should be allowed in order to counter population problems. The basis of this argument was that; height and weight be regulated in order to fit people into certain special buildings. This beat the entire purpose of cloning as only clones were to be fitted into these â€Å"

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The African American Male and the Prison Industrial Complex Assignment

The African American Male and the Prison Industrial Complex - Assignment Example This essay declares that regardless of the political affiliation of a given politician, one of the very last things that he/she wants is to appear weak on crime to the electorate. Accordingly, politicians are perpetually pushing for stiffer and more draconian sentencing for even non-violent first time offenses. This self-perpetuating cycle of greater and greater numbers of incarcerated person, stricter laws, as well as corporate interests in the ever expansive and privatized role of correctional institutions in the United States bears witness to the failed policies of the War on Drugs and the War on Crime which date back to the early 1970’s. As the report highlights interestingly enough, most Americans are unaware that the actual crime rate of the United States has actually been diminishing for over 20 years now. This is striking information when compared with the following: â€Å"Today’s 2 million prisoners (not counting the 5 million who are under supervision of the criminal justice system) represent a prison and jail system ten times larger than that which existed in the United States a mere twenty-nine years ago. War on crime is not rooted in rising crime rates but is rather the result of the rise in public’s concern over crime, which has been wrought not by the criminals in the real world but by the images of the criminals who now break into our living rooms nightly through the window of the television.

Human Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Human Cloning - Essay Example 7). Human cloning is a controversial that elicits diverse reactions from all quarters and almost every member of the human race. The issue of cloning has caused much debate since the firs cloning of a live sheep in Scotland in 1997m due to ethics and authority to participate in the events leading to the creation of a new human being from the originally born one. This topic is crucial to the existence of human beings as it may be used to either improve their lives or degrade them. Personal Opinion In my opinion, human cloning is a gift that should be embraced by all of humanity because it has multiple benefits if made use of in appropriate ways. Cloning should be allowed among humans because it can be used to cure or improve certain conditions such as infertility. In reference to this, infertile couples can have children of their own. In addition, cloning, if allowed can be used to repair damaged tissues and organs in the human body. This is through growing new organs, which is called therapeutic cloning; that can then be used for the maintenance of the human body. This is especially so for conditions that requires transplants such as leukemia, liver and kidney failures (Human Genome Project Information, 2009, Para. 15). Cloning can be used to generate new bone marrow that can then be transplanted into the patient and, therefore, healing them of their condition. In addition, it lessens the risk and burden that loved ones have to bear in order to save their lives. This is in the form of surgery that they have to go trough so as to donate their organs for use by others. Not only can human cloning be used in the above named processes, but also in plastic and reconstructive surgeries. Cloning allows for production of body tissues that are compatible with the host, which in turn lessens the risk of tissue rejection (Advancing Science, Serving Society, 2007, Para. 5). For this reason, cloning can be used to treat conditions such as amputated limbs as they may easily b e regenerated. The additional conditions that can benefit from human cloning include defective genes and genetic diseases. This would be beneficial, especially to parents that have genetic disorders. For parents considering conception, they may see a specialist to have the genes eradicated and thus ensure that they do not pass the problems on to their offspring. People Opinions The majority of those who think that human cloning should be allowed share common belief with me that it can be used for the good of human kind, and especially so in regard to health. One opinion that is outstanding is that, due to the preservation of health and even extension of life, scientists could continue to live. As a result, the world would benefit from their great discoveries and inventions. All this would be the result of recreating their minds in a different time and body. For example, if this were to happen to the Wright brothers, they would help greatly in developing space exploration and the avi ation industry at large. Furthermore, others claim that for the purpose of reproducing offspring in cases of couples who cannot conceive, cloning should be legal, but only if the child will not be subjected to tests for his or her entire life. Therefore, it should be perfected before it is used for such events. In spite of all their well-argued reasons for supporting human cloning, some reasons for their support were utterly misconceived and based on fallacies of over imagination. One such thought was that cloning should be allowed in order to counter population problems. The basis of this argument was that; height and weight be regulated in order to fit people into certain special buildings. This beat the entire purpose of cloning as only clones were to be fitted into these â€Å"

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Boston Tea Party Essay Example for Free

Boston Tea Party Essay On December 16, 1773, a monumental event took place that was crucial to the growth of the American Revolution. This event was known as The Boston Tea Party, taking place in Boston, a city in the British colony of Massachusetts. Massachusetts Patriots were in immense disapproval on how parliament was trying to monopolize the market on American tea importation granted to the East India Company (Boston Tea Party). The East India Company was a failing British corporation. This Company was on the verge of bankruptcy. They had millions of pounds of unsold tea that sat in warehouses. The idea was to persuade English and colonial consumers to buy East India Company tea to save one of Britain’s largest corporations. In order to make this happen, British Parliament proposed the Tea Act of 1773. The Tea Act allowed the East India Company to sell through agents in America without paying the taxes normally collected in Britain, which allowed the company to undersell even smugglers in the colonies (David Goldfield). What drew major controversy with the Tea Act was that it retained the three pence Townshend duty on tea imported to the colonies. The colonists objected to the Tea Act. They believed that this act violated their rights to â€Å"No taxation without representation,† which meant that they would only be taxed by their own elected representatives and not by the British Parliament that did not represent them. Regardless of what the colonists thought, consignees were selected in Boston, New York, Charleston, and Philadelphia, and then 500,000 pounds of tea were shipped across the Atlantic in September. The first tea ship, Dartmouth, reached Boston November 27, and two more were sent shortly after that. There were several meetings held demanding that the tea be sent back to England with the duty not paid for. Tension was rising when patriot groups tried to persuade the consignees and the governor to accept this approach. On December 16th, citizens, some disguised as Mohawk Indians, pushed toward Griffins Wharf and boarded the tea ships (Boston Tea Party). In a course of three hours they dumped three hundred and forty two chests of tea into the harbor, turning it into a teapot (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). The chests held more than 90,000 pounds of tea, which would cost nearly $1,000,000 dollars today (Boston Tea Party). There were certainly several participants and witnesses to the accounts of what occurred at the Boston Tea Party. Although all of the participants were taking part in the same event, their memories of their accounts do seem to differ. The first thing that I noticed was the number of participants. David Kinnison, the longest surviving participant from the Boston Tea Party, claims that there were only 24 men involved (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). His statement matches up well with Samuel Cooper, a participant that was just 16 at the time, who claims that there were around 20 men (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). Then you have John Andrews, claiming that there were around 200 citizens dressed as Indians. Another thing that seems unclear is the way the ships were taken over (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). George Hewes, a Boston shoemaker and participant, states that they were divided into 3 groups, one for each ship. Joshua Wyeth, also a participant, who was only just 16, also states that they took to the three ships at the same time. On the other hand, the Massachusetts Gazette states that they worked their way from ship to ship, after emptying one ship they would move to the next. There are many differences in the accounts of what exactly happened at the Boston Tea Party, which I think helps decipher the truthful accounts from the fabricated ones (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). Most of the witnesses that were actually a part of the Boston Tea Party had testimonies that were exceptionally similar. I believe the only thing that may have caused them to be slightly different would be the fact that it was a little over half a century later when they were trying to recollect the events. I also think that the participants swearing to secrecy had an impact on some of the misleading information, such as the discrepancy on the number of participants. Most of the participants had mentioned around 20 men being involved, when in fact the number was found to be a lot greater than that. The participants in the destruction did not even acknowledge each other even when boarding the ships, breaking open the chests and dumping the tea, so of course they are not going to be truthful about how many citizens were actually involved. I also believe that some of the information misinterpreted for fabrication might be due to the participant not writing their story themselves. George Hewes account of what happened was written by him, Joshua Wyeth’s account was recorded from his words, Samuel Cooper’s came directly from him also. All of these accounts seemed to be relatively similar; where as accounts that were retold by biographers may have changed along the way. Also, participants stories did not coincide on what time the event was actually over. John Andrews wrote that before nine o’clock every chest was destroyed, but Samuel Cooper’s account placed the end of the destruction at ten o’clock (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). Considering that Samuel Cooper had a role in this momentous event, I would give him the benefit of the doubt as to telling the truth of when the event actually came to an end (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). Another person who played an interesting role in the Boston Tea Party was Paul Revere. Revere felt strongly about the movement toward political independence from Great Britain. He was a very well rounded artisan and intellectual. Revere was a silversmith whose work brought him in close contact with patriots like John Hancock and Samuel Adams. He used his talents to support the colonial struggle against Britain. Revere soon assumed the role of a leader, along with Adams, of the Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty were a secret patriotic organization formed in 1765 to prevent the Stamp Act (Paul Revere). The Sons of Liberty also organized the Boston Tea Party. Revere was also one of the many patriots who dressed up as an Indian and took part in the Boston Tea Party Protest against parliamentary taxation without representation (Boston Tea Party Historical Society). After the Tea Party, Revere was sent by the citizens of Boston to deliver news of the party to the other colonists in New York and Philadelphia. When he returned, he was appointed one of 25 men by the citizens of Boston to stand guard over the tea bearing vessels, in order to prevent the overexcited townspeople from doing further damage to the ship (Facts on Paul Revere). I would say Paul Revere played a significant role in the Boston Tea Party; he played the part of a ringleader and was a very influential role model. The acts that he participated in would not be condoned by Britain. The Boston Tea Party ultimately captured the attention of Parliament and produced a furious reaction. A lot of people in America and also in Britain were surprised about the destruction of property in the Tea Party. Parliament decided that this epic event demanded an immediate display of power. In the spring of 1774, parliament passed a series of totalitarian measures to be known as the Coercive Acts. These acts included the Boston Port Act, which closed the port of Boston until Bostonians paid for the tea and uncollected duties. The Massachusetts Government Act, this act stated that members of the governors council and sheriffs would be appointed rather than elected and limited the number of town meetings that could be held without the governors prior approval. The Administration of Justice Act, which allowed any British soldier or official who was charged with a crime to be tried in England, where they would most likely receive a slap on the wrist. The Quartering Act of 1774 permitted the army to lodge soldiers in any civilian building if necessary. All of these acts were in response to the Boston Tea Party and attempts of Britain to gain royal control. Most colonists referred to these acts as the Intolerable Acts rather than the Coercive Acts, they viewed these acts as a threat to liberty in the colonies. The spirit of protest began to spread, more and more colonists became politicized. They began to realize their common interests as Americans and their differences from the British. America was starting to rebel, but had not yet launched a revolution (David Goldfield). Although, the acts they were taking were starting to have a major influence on America. The Boston Tea Party effected America in many ways. There were a lot of different factors and rebellious acts that eventually snowballed into war, but I would say the Boston Tea Party was the most significant. The passing of the Coercive Acts and parliaments refusal to revoke them led to a great deal of disgruntlement from the colonists. The Boston Tea party most definitely sparked the Revolution, which may have otherwise been delayed or never happened at all.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Coca Cola Situational Analysis

Coca Cola Situational Analysis We can all proudly say for a beverage brand like Coca-Cola that nobody is unaware of it in the entire globe as it has surely become a household name for all of us. It would be interesting for us to know about its origin prior to know its critical marketing strategies and companys belief to make it up to this stage. Coca-Cola was discovered, we would rather say invented in 1886, just out of curiosity to know what the mixture of certain ingredients does. It was John Pemberton, an Atlanta based pharmacist, who created this amazing mixture of fragrant and caramel coloured liquid. He then took that mixture to the nearest pharmacy to get it carbonated and the thing that came up is now has become a greatest known brand in this world. In the initial stage, Coca-Cola had sold just 9 glasses a day for an entire year. But, a century later it has produced nearly 10 billion gallons of syrup. After just three years of this invention, an Atlanta based businessman Asa Griggs Candler acquired rights of the business and brand in just  £1500. He then became the first official president of Coca-Cola enterprise. As a natural salesperson Asa Candler started marketing the brand in 1893. He found out various brilliant and innovative ideas of promoting the brand. He started distributing promotional coupons for complimentary taste of the beverage, and outfitted distributing pharmacists with clocks, urns, calendars and apothecary scales bearing the Coca-Cola brand. People saw Coca-Cola everywhere, and the aggressive promotion worked. That was the start it needed and successfully achieved. Further the company grown after its expansion to the other parts of US territories and of the world. During its journey from 9 glasses a day to over 9 billion servings a day around the world, Coca-Cola Company has struggled hard over time to safeguard the company and the brand. It has mainly focussed on advertising as their main strategy for expansion. Many brand tags have changed from time to time like Demand the genuine and Accept no Substitute. It was to make customers aware of brands value and keep them away from buying substitute products of Coca-Cola. Market Share Being the biggest company in the soft drink industry, Coca Cola enjoys the largest market share. This company controls about 59% of the world market. Global Market Share The market of the company is geographically vast and it is controlling it with great success. In 2002, the company grew their carbonated soft-drink business by nearly 250 million unit cases and generated record volumes. Because carbonated soft drinks are the largest growth segment within the non-alcoholic ready-to-drink beverage category measured by volume, that is why they are focusing more on this and they are continually increasing the pace because they know that accelerating this pace is crucial to their future success. Thus they are increasing their market day by day. The operation income earned by Coca Cola Company can be illustrated by the following pie chart. This strategy has worked a lot and it has helped them to become the Worlds leading Soft Drink Company. The global unit sale of the Coca Cola Company is increasing from the last ten years. The data of the global unit sale of the Coca Cola Company can be represented by following chart. So there is positive growth in the market of the Coca Cola Company. There is a worldwide volume increase by 4% with strong international growth of 5%. This is only due to the innovative marketing programmers, which has deepened the relationship of the customers and Coca Cola. The financial health and success of their bottling partners is a critical component of The Coca-Cola Companys ability to build and deliver leading brands.In 2002, the company had worked with their bottlers to turn good intentions into reality by improving the system economics. The results in 2002 reflect this steadily improving and mutually constructive relationship between the Company and their bottling partners. The main reason behind this relationship is to continue realizing shared opportunities for growth, with closer coordination of operations including customer relationships, logistics and production. Market Share by Area: Coca Cola is the world-renowned soft drink and the company is currently operating throughout the world. The worldwide total is about 17.8 billion. The operation review according to the segments is as follows. Operation Review The volume is least in the Africa and most in the North America. The data about the market share of this company area wise is given in the following table. The above table shows the geographical earning of the Coca Cola Company and from this data; we can find out that the customers of Coca Cola are increasing which is shown by the companys per capita income. Unit case equals 24 eight-ounce servings.  The column, which shows the non-alcoholic beverages consist of commercially, sold beverages, as estimated by the Company based on available industry sources. The country column is derived from The Companys unit case volume while the industry column includes non-alcoholic ready-to-drink beverages only, as estimated by the Company based on available industry sources. In Asian population, which is the satisfied customer of Coca Cola, is approximately 3.2 billion and the average consumer enjoys close to two servings of our products each month. Through an intense focus on Coca-Cola, innovation and new beverages, the company has achieved volume growth of 10 per cent in 2002. With developing economies and populations, this region has strong long-term potential, and the company is building an exciting family of beverage brands in addition to expanding the popularity of our core brands, led by Coca-Cola. In China, for example, sales of Coca-Cola increased 6 per cent. The total unit case sale of Coca Cola in Asia can be shown by the following pie chart. So the company is emphasizing more in this area and is trying to develop a strategy, which can increase the growth of the consumption of Coca Cola by the people of Asia. Among the countries of Asia, Japan has the highest percentage, which is about 29%. Among others, Pakistan, India and Bangladesh are those countries where the average consumption is increasing day by day. PRODUCTS: There are different brands of the Coca Cola Company, which are currently in use through out the world. This company not only deals in the carbonated drinks but also other drinks. While launching its product, the marketing team considers the culture of the country. Major brands of coca cola Coke Sprite Fanta Diet coke Coke classic The overall volume of this company is as follows. The commitment of the company is to devote resources to water only in markets where it expects profitable growth. This strategy has paid dividends. The company has successfully applied its approach to brands in several key markets, including Ciel in Mexico, Mori No Mizudayori in Japan, Bonaqua in Russia and Kinley in India. Backed by a strong network of bottling partners through out the United States, Dasani became the nations fastest-growing water brand. In Eurasia, the entire Turkuaz brand team worked together to launch Turkeys first purified water brand. This year, Coca-Cola Company also successfully energized a major piece of its beverage strategy-water. By the end of 2001, its bottled water volume exceeded 570 million unit cases, making it the second biggest contributor to the growth of the company after carbonated soft drinks. Three of the water brands, Dasani, Ciel and Bonaqua each achieved sales of over 100 million unit cases for the year. In 2001and 2002, the company has also made good progress in coffees and teas. Beverage Partners Worldwide, the renewed and strengthened marketing partnership with Nestlà © S.A., began operations in 2001. This partnership combines Nestlà ©s knowledge in life science, research and development with the expertise of Coca Cola Company in brand building and distribution. At the same time, the company grew Georgia coffee in Japan by 3 percent through award-winning marketing in a category that was flat for the year. Also in Japan-where The Coca-Cola Company is the leader in the total tea category, the second-largest category in the non-alcoholic ready-to-drink segment-it launched Marocha Green Tea. With sales of 46 million unit cases for the year, Marocha Green Tea is the fastest-growing product in the fastest-growing category: green tea. The popularity of Marocha is also recognized by the industry with a leading trade journal naming Marocha the most popular new food and beverage product of the year. STRATEGIC PLANNING In the year 2002, the company had a great success, as the strategy worked which resulted in making Coca Cola Company the worlds leading company. In 2001, company accomplished the crust of its strategy as Worldwide volume increased by 4 percent with strong international growth of 5 percent and clear signs that our North American business is growing solidly and predictable. Earnings per share grew by 82 percent, as we delivered on our commitment to create volume growth while aggressively Return on common equity grew from 23 percent in 2000 to 38 percent this year. Return on capital increased from 16 percent in 2000 to 27 percent in 2001. The company has generated free cash flow of $3.1 billion, up from $2.8 billion in 2000, a clear indication of its underlying financial strength. The strategy for the future of the company is very straightforward. The marketing strategy for the year 2002 is as follows, Accelerate carbonated soft-drink growth, led by Coca-Cola. Selectively broaden the family of beverage brands to drive profitable growth. Grow system profitability and capability together with our bottling partners. Serve customers with creativity and consistency to generate growth across all channels. Direct investments to highest potential areas across markets. Drive efficiency and cost-effectiveness everywhere. MAJOR COMPETITOR PEPSI INTERNATIONAL HISTORY PepsiCo is a world leader in convenient foods and beverages, with revenues of about $27 billion and over 143,000 employees. The company consists of the snack businesses of Frito-Lay North America and Frito-Lay International; the beverage businesses of Pepsi-Cola North America, Gatorade/Tropicana North America and PepsiCo Beverages International; and Quaker Foods North America, manufacturer and marketer of ready-to-eat cereals and other food products. PepsiCo brands are available in nearly 200 countries and territories. Many of PepsiCos brand names are over 100-years-old, but the corporation is relatively young. PepsiCo was founded in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay. Tropicana was acquired in 1998 and PepsiCo merged with The Quaker Oats Company, including Gatorade, in 2001.would entertain the listener with the latest musical selections rendered by violin or piano or both. The new name, Pepsi Cola, is derived from the two of the principle ingredients, Pepsin and Kola Nuts. It was first used on the August 28. At that time, Bradhams advertising praises his drink as Exhilarating, invigorating, aids digestion. 1990-2002 The advertisement of the Pepsi changes to, You got the right choice baby, Uh-Huh! .With the extensive usage of the stars in the ads, the popularity of Pepsi increase. In 1992 Pepsi-Cola formed a partnership with Thomas J. Lipton Co. Today Lipton is the biggest selling ready-to-drink tea brand in the United States. Outside the United States, Pepsi-Cola Companys soft drink operations include the business of Seven-Up International. Pepsi-Cola beverages are available in more than 190 countries and territories. In Asia, they selected Lahore to make their regional office. This was done in 1970. This regional office is monitoring all the operations carried out in South West Asia. As in Pakistan, they only entered beverage industry. They have eleven bottlers covering whole Pakistan. The plant operating here is Riaz Bottlers (Pvt) LTD. This plant was established at Lahore in 1974. The total capacity of the plant is 30,000 cases per day. They have four filling lines in the plant operating on the three shift bases. Each shift is of eight hours. They have permanent work force of 750 people and them employee approximately 1000 people more on temporary basis during summer season. Pepsis Products Pepsi Teem Mirinda Pepsi Max Pepsi Lemon Pepsi Blue Mountain Dew 7up PROMISE OF COKE The basic proposition of our business is simple, solid and timeless. When we bring refreshment, value, joy and fun to our stakeholders, then we successfully nurture and protect our brands, particularly Coca-Cola. That is the key to fulfilling our ultimate obligation to provide consistently attractive returns to the owners of our business. TARGET MARKET Cokes commercials basically based on young generations, So, the young generation is the target market of Coke because they want to represent Coke with the youth and energy but they also consider about the old people they take then as a co-target market. MAJOR SEGMENTS Major segments are basically those people who take this drink daily and those areas where the demands is higher then the other areas. There are so many people who take this drink daily and those people who take weekly and those who take less often are always there as well. So, their basic segments are those people who take this drink regularly. FACTORS AFFECTING SALES There are so many factors, which affects the sale of coke. Here we are discussing three major factors which effects coke. Per capita income Competitors Weather Per Capita Income First we will discuss about Per capita income. This is major factor that affects the sale of this soft drink. Because which every passing year budgets are becoming very strict and tight in order to purchase things. So the disposable incomes of the people are coming down. They spend heavily on rents, utilities, and education and basic necessities and after that when they get extra money they think about this soft drink .So the decreasing per capita income effects badly in selling and production of this soft drink. And to get through with this difficulty there is need to increase the level of per capita income of Pakistan because it is much lesser than the rest of the countries. Competitors Cokes major competitor is PEPSI and there is no hesitation to say this because everyone knows that and all the other cold drinks and water, coffee, tea is the competitors. Weather Weather is the third major factor in effecting the Cokes selling. This is underdeveloped market so the cokes consumption in summers is 60% and in winters is 40%. MAJOR CUSTOMERS NEED First of all the majority dont care that what they are going to have. In other words, they dont care before drinking that whether it is Pepsi or coke. They dont actually differentiate between these two brands in order to their tastes. Consumers basically drink what they get. They believe on WHAT COLD THEY SOLD Consumers availability in brands is basically works like: Push availability Pull consumers demand. For this reason, Coca-Cola has provided their coolers and freezers in the market. They have maximum number of coolers and freezers in the market. They provide this infrastructure free of cost just to provide child coke to their customer, which they want to be purchase. Their salesman and mechanics regularly visit all the shops where coke has its infrastructure to check that either it is in proper condition or not, if not then they immediately change or repair it. STRATEGIES OF QUALITY After Micro and macro analysis Brand coke is primarily role Enhance competition moments When people watch cricket Through commercialization Fun time Though these strategies, there could be better understanding and better connection with the public. These are the key consumption. THREATS FROM COMPETITORS Threats are well planned. Price is the major threat. When price goes certain beyond the exact price whether come down or go higher its effects the consumption of soft drink. Because when the price goes higher people go for the substitute of coke i.e. Pepsi. And when price goes down they think that there is must be something wrong in it. In short it all depends on customers perception. TARGETS THAT WOULD LIKE TO ATTAIN Every organization runs on the bases of profit maximization so Coke is also looking for a high profit margin. There are three major ways of making money Overnight profit Windfall profit Ethical and un-ethical ways Over Night Profits They could be overnight profit that is for the number 1 brand for the year. This could be got my increasing sales volume Windfall Profit There can be windfall profit. They are the extras profit. When the consumption is on boom. So, there is different kind of profits. Ethical and Unethical Ways Profit can also get through ethical and unethical ways. They believe on this quote Everything is fare in love and war. Some profits stays for some time like overnight profits and some just come and go like wind fall profits. And they can also get profit through different approaches. EXPANDING TARGET MARKET In last 2 years Coke has come back in aggressive manner. Consumer has choice Attractive brand name Brand differentiating Consumer Has Got Choice Now the consumer has got choice. Because now they know the name of another big brand, though coke is the 2nd best name but it can get a better position after some time Attractive Brand Name Now the consumers know the Name of Coke, because Coke is the name, which is the most popular after the word ok. So people can better differentiate brands with each other. Brand Differentiation Now different companies have got different brand names. So, people can distinguish between brands. Two major brands coke and Pepsi also have brand names. Coca Colas Brand Coca cola is US brand. Because they believe in the togetherness, being people together and friends are being together. Coca Cola strongly believes that Pakistani temperament is US not ME Pepsis Brand Pepsis brand is basically is basically ME branded. They use the temperament of ME. In contrast to Coke they believe on individual struggle. THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRICE Opportunities If Coke is considered a luxury product. Then there is the tax rate system 15% sales tax 20% excise duty 27% goes to government 03% In making Budget After paying all these taxes coke has to pay electricity charges. We have to spend on distributions. After paying all these expenses Cokes margin squeezed and consumers have to pay for increasing tariffs. These are the opportunities through which we can increase the price and can get profits. Threats There are much more threats in increasing prices. Because same problem of substitute. If Coke increase the price lets say 1 rupee. Then people definitely wont go for coke. They have the best substitute of Coke that is Pepsi. So these are the threats in increasing prices. Coke will lose the margin of its profit and can face loss. STRATEGIES OF GETTING GOALS I.E. HIGH PROFITS To increase the price is the least thing, which Coke can adopt. There are so many ways through which Coke can increase the profits. Some major ways are as follows. Volume can be increased Interest level of consumers To take part in energetic festivals How to increase the volume of consumers? Coke can increase the volume by expanding the industry of coke. Through advertisements, offering different interesting things to attract people towards this product. How to increase the interest level of consumers? Coke is increasing the interest level of consumers by offering different flavors. For example Coke is increasing the number of flavors in Fanta, this is one of the product of coke. Through offering different flavors Coke can increase the Level of consumers and through this profits can be gained. How to take part in energetic festivals? Coke is already taking part in the festival like Basant since last 3 years. Coke offers different attractive things in their festival and through this Coke gained high profit and consumption of coke increased on these occasions. And this year in this year 2002 people were anxiously waiting that what interesting thing coke is going to offer. MARKETING STRATEGY Our local marketing strategy enables Coke to listen to all the voices around the world asking for beverages that span the entire spectrum of tastes and occasions. What people want in a beverage is a reflection of who they are, where they live, how they work and play, and how they relax and recharge. Whether youre a student in the United States enjoying a refreshing Coca-Cola, a woman in Italy taking a tea break, a child in Peru asking for a juice drink, or a couple in Korea buying bottled water after a run together, were there for you. We are determined not only to make great drinks, but also to contribute to communities around the world through our commitments to education, health, wellness, and diversity. Coke strives to be a good neighbor, consistently shaping our business decisions to improve the quality of life in the communities in which we do business. Its a special thing to have billions of friends around the world, and we never forget it. MARKET POSITIONING Product Range The total range of Coca Cola company in Pakistan includes: Coke. Sprite. Fanta. Diet Coke. And company offers their products in different bottle sizes these includes: SSRB (standers size returnable bottle) LRB (litter returnable bottle) NRB (no return bottle) or disposable bottle PET 1.5 (1.5 litter plastic bottle) CANS (tin pack 330 ml) Packing Coca cola products are available in different packing 24 regular bottle shell 6 bottle pack for 1.5 pets 12 bottles in a pack for disposable bottle 24 cans in one pack. PRICE STRATEGY Trade Promotion Coca cola company gives incentives to middle men or retailers in way a that they offer them free samples and free empty bottles, by this these retailers and middle man push their product in the market. And thats why coca cola seen more in the market. And they have a good sale in the market because according to the expert which product seen more in the market that sells more. Seen as sold They do agreements with a shop keepers and stores to exclusive sale in that stores. These stores are called as KEY accounts in their local language. And coke also invest heavy budget on these stores and offers them free samples and free bottles and some time cash incentives. Different Price In Different Seasons Some times Coca Cola Company change their product prices according to the season. Summer is supposed to be a good season for beverage industry in Pakistan. So in winter they reduce their prices to maintain their sales and profit. But normally they reduce the prices of their pet bottles or 1 litter glass bottle. PROMOTION STRATEGIES Getting shelves They gets or purchase shelves in big departmental stores and display their products in that shelves in that style which show their product more clear and more attractive for the consumers. Eye Catching Position Salesman of the coca cola company positions their freezers and their products in eye-catching positions. Normally they keep their freezers near the entrance of the stores. Sale Promotion Company also do sponsorships with different college and schools cafes and sponsors their sports events and other extra curriculum activities for getting market share. UTC Scheme UTC mean under the crown scheme, coca cola often do this type of scheme and they offer very handy prizes in it. Like once they offer bicycles, caps, tv sets, cash prizes etc. This scheme is very much popular among children. DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Coca Cola Company makes two types of selling Direct selling Indirect selling Direct Selling In direct selling they supply their products in shops by using their own transports. They have almost 450 vehicles to supply their bottles. In this type of selling company have more profit margin. Indirect Selling They have their whole sellers and agencies to cover all area. Because it is very difficult for them to cover all area of Pakistan by their own so they have so many whole sellers and agencies to assure their customers for availability of coca cola products. FACILITATING THE PRODUCT BY INFRASTRUCTURE For providing their product in good manner company has provided infrastructure these includes: Vizi cooler Freezers Display racks Free empty bottles and shells for bottles ADVERTISEMENT Coca cola company use different mediums Print media Pos material Tv commercial Billboards and holdings Print Media They often use print media for advertisement. They have a separate department for print media. POS Material Pos material mean point of sale material this includes: posters and stickers display in the stores and in different areas. TV Commercials As everybody know that TV is a most common entertaining medium so TV commercials is one of the most attractive way of doing advertisement. So Coca Cola Company does regular TV commercials on different channels. Billboards And Holdings Coca cola is very much conscious about their billboards and holdings. They have so many sites in different locations for their billboards. EXPECTATIONS FOR THE COMING YEAR Every thing starts from the attitude of consumers behavior. And the basic key to attract the consumers is to throw the money away. And positive feeling felling with the brand, which they used to have Coke wants to advertise their products heavily in the coming year. And it will take the 10% of their profits. And when we take it as a global level it is $ I billion. Coming year is the challenging year for the industry of Coke. They have to take lots of decisions that how to increase the production and where they have to spend money. For gaining success in coming year they have to have some important things like: Loyal consumers are important for companys success. Workers should be the brand centric not the promotion centric. They should know how much to for the brand activities. They should also know that how much to do with the promotion activities for brand. HOW COKE DETERMINE THE YEARLY BUDGET Coke determines its yearly budget by the Sales volume Profitability Target volume Sales Volume Coke determines its yearly budget through the sales volume. They first concentrate on the thing is what is the condition of their sales? if the condition is good of their sales then they definitely increase their production and sales volume. Otherwise they concentrate on their old strategies. Profitability: The second thing through which they determines budget is the profit .if they r getting profits with the high margin, then they definitely want to increase their profits in the next coming year. Every organization runs on the basis of getting high profits. No organization wants to face Loss in their business. To get profit is the first priority of the Coke. Target Volume: To run the business every industry has some targets, which they want to achieve in a specific time period. If industry achieves those goals in that period then for the coming year it increases the volume of the target. So Coke Follow the same thing it has also some goals and targets to achieve in the given time period. When they succeed to achieve that target then they increase their target volume in the next year.